Olympus Spin SR

IXplore IX85 Spin 

Spinning Disk Confocal Imaging Microscope System

Quickly Capture
Rapid Cell Dynamics

The IXplore™ IX85-Spin system combines an advanced spinning disk unit and high-performance imaging tools to provide you with fast 3D confocal image acquisition and prolonged cell viability in timelapse experiments.

Precise 3D Image Generation at Greater Depths

The pinhole geometry of the IXplore™ IX85-Spin system’s Yokogawa spinning disk produces excellent image contrast at greater depths for imaging into thicker samples.

Additionally, the IXplore™ IX85-Spin allows you to combine high-NA silicone oil objectives or our new groundbreaking silicone gel multi-immersion objective (LUPLAPO25XS) with a new auto correction collar to create exceptional light gathering and dimensional fidelity. These elements make the IXplore™ IX85-Spin your best choice for imaging live cells at high resolution without sacrificing speed, accuracy, or image quality.

Our new LUPLAPO25XS introduces groundbreaking new silicone gel pad technology. See deeper into your samples and reveal structures that were previously out of reach with a high NA and long working distance. With this silicone gel pad objective, you can get the quality of silicone immersion with the useability of a dry objective. The new LUPLAPO25XS enhances workflows for organoids, 3D cell culture, well-plates, and a wide range of applications.

Suited for Live Specimens

OSR algorithms work in real time to eliminate delays caused by frame averaging or image reconstruction, providing instant super resolution images so you can get to your results faster.

This enables experimental design for super resolution to include live cell experiments, which are further improved through the ultrafast imaging speeds and multichannel acquisition capabilities of the spinning disk confocal.

EB3 proteins binding to the top of microtubles extending in HeLa live cells.EB3 proteins were GFP- labeled by means of transgenesis.*1

Image data courtesy of: Kaoru Kato, PhD, National Institute of Adovanced Industrial Science and Technology Biomedical Research Institute

Simultaneous High-Speed Multichannel Imaging

The IXplore™ IX85-Spin laser combiner is scalable from two to six laser lines, and multi-camera configuration is available to support simultaneous multichannel imaging if you require higher speed or a wider information bandwidth.

Excitation wavelengths include 405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, and 640nm.

Manage Complex Experiments

The process manager makes it simple to acquire multicolor, Z-stack, and time-lapse images. The programmable graphic experiment manager (GEM) enables users to design more complex automation from a visual interface to support a wide variety of experimental imaging protocols and device triggering. Customize flexible experiment protocols that can be easily changed as needed anytime during the imaging process.

Confocal Super Resolution for All Live Cell Samples

Designed for fast 3D super resolution imaging and prolonged cell viability in time-lapse experiments, the IXplore SpinSR microscope system offers XY resolution down to 120 nm without the need for dedicated labeling procedures.

IXplore IX83 Spin SR version

*Image: Stress fibers of Hela cell: Antibody staining with Phalloidin-Alexa488 (green) for actin, Alexa 568 (red) for myosin heavy chain.
Image data courtesy of: Keiju Kamijo,Ph.D. Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, TOHOKU Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Inverterted microscope


Software life science applications