LRI provides innovative microscope solutions for research, healthcare, education and industry.

The company was founded in 1971 and since then has worked exclusively with the sale and service of microscopes.

LRI Instrument AB consists of competent and committed employees who all have extensive experience in the sale and service of microscopes.

If you are interested in a new exciting Olympus product, you are welcome to our exhibition in Lund or Stockholm.

We also help customers with service and upgrades of existing microscope equipment.

We help you find a microscope solution that is optimal for your project.

Office and Showroom Lund:

Dag Hammarskjölds väg 1

224 64 Lund

Tel: 046-13 35 91, E-post: info@lri.se

Office Stockholm:



141 75 Kungens Kurva

Tel: 08-13 35 91, E-post: info@lri.se

Office Uppsala

LRI Instrument AB

Sofielundsgatan 7 ( SFL 7 )

753 23 Uppsala

Tel: 08-13 35 91, E-post:info@lri.se